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Why PickingCherry.com

An easy import from Italy

PickingCherry.com born to fix one of the most important problems of companies: the offer of some unique and special products, to fidelize their customers and be different from competitors.

This marketplace gives the opportunity to find the products that normally aren’t out of the own Country of origin. When we travel, we find special food and wine, done from small and medium local companies, products that we would like to find in UK too, but none imports them. 

PickingCherry.com is the place where every business can find specialties and different ways to produce the most famous food or wine. The quality is the driver, PickingCherry.com gives at every restaurant, delicatessen, café, pizzeria, wine bar or wholesaler the easier way to import from themselves what they need to make their customers happy.

PickingCherry.com is the window in UK for the best Italian food and wine. Italy is known for its specialties and with the most researched products from consumers.

Give us your feedback and let we know what products your business needs, we find the best companies to easily import it from Italy, you have only to place the order, we do the rest.

PickingCherry.com wants to be a point of information for businesses, where everyone can find the information about Italian products, the differences between the regions, curiosities, and traditions. We want to offer the knowledge on productions, consuming, and everything can help the knowledge about Italy, touch tradition and genuine passion below every company. Here there is the space for suggestions about exposition, and tips to increase sales and satisfy your customers.      

We collaborate with other pages to give more information possible; we invite to visit The Passionalist and Business Improver.

We can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and Pinterest, feel free to comment and contact us in every moment.

You are the first customer of your business; you must be happy of your offer.

Share with us your success.

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